Monday, January 18, 2010

Mary and friends trio

Here are three more cards from Amy. These feature "Mary and friends"
WI 53 G. The Walt Whitman quote is "Whitman" GT 41 D. Again, Amy has really done a great job with using the main stamp is different ways.
Are you wondering what the code means after each stamp name? Let me break it down for you. The first two letters tells you (and us) what category the stamp is found. Example: GT 41 D. The GT tells us it is found under Great Thoughts. Next the 41 tells us it is the 41st image in that category. (useless to you really-important to us) The letter at the end tells us how much the stamp cost.
"D" is a $6.5o stamp.
A $3.00
B $4.00
C $5.50
D $6.50
E $7.50
F $8.50
G $10.00
H $11.00
I $12.00
J $13.00
I hope this info helps with any questions you may have on the codes and the pricing.
Go create something today.....It doesn't have to be big. It can be done on a 2 inch square.( or heck a 1x1) I will take on this challenge and post what I do. If you do something cool send it to us or email me a photo and we will post it...

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