Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Day 13 of 365 days af art

Take a picture of calm.This is calm.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Whoopsy...day 11 of 365 days of art

So the spark was to make a stencil and use it in your art. I found this old alphabet card and, it being close to Halloween, did a bat. I used an ink pad I had in my car and a paper towel. I changed the banana into a moon....and tah dah...done. I did this during my break at the paper. (work)

Day 12 of 365 days of art and Stampaway 2012

The spark was to take a dollar bill and make something. So....I made a boat and it is on the water....clever.....ohhhh yes! Hey, it was 11:30 at night and I was looking at another 5 hours before I got to go home...so clever it is.
In other news....I have been working on my new catalog. I am combining all the supplements with main catalog and even adding new images. These images will premiere in Cincinnati, Ohio at Stampaway 2012. I am so excited. I am re-working the look of the catalog and our booth. I plan to post more stamping samples....when I get a wee bit more time....don't hold your breath...for long...it could happen...in the near future.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Day 10 of 365

The spark....make something really, really small. so I cut out this paperboy. I did not have fine detail scissors so I use full size scissors. I places him on a newspaper at work. I cut the man out of that same brown paper that I made the ten-word story from. (see last blog)

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Day 8 of 365 days of art

Okay I was making an ad piece for work and the feeder on top is what I started with. I added the green background, Nuthatch, and the holes in the suet...I love it! It has been a hit.

Day 7 of 365 days of art

I am still creating art digitally. It is a lot of fun! This is a kid from the paper. The hand is mine...the nails are not....the blood is fake.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Day 6 of 365....art....

 Soooo day five came and left....bye. Fridays are my crazy days where I have no me time....are you buying that? This is what I started...I am going to make his eyes red...yes it is a him. I am soooo not anywhere near started...but I got a ribbon on him and put glow-in-the-dark around his eyes...I will be working on him tonight and tomorrow!
Speaking of tomorrow, I am going to see the new movie The Big Year. I can not wait! Ohhhh yes!
More later and the movie review tomorrow.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Day 5 of the 365 days of art

 Hello...so the spark today was to use something you collect in the piece. That would be hard...I am an artist...we collect everything. So at the paper tonight there was an ad with Ladybugs on the whole page. I cut some out and cut the wings. Then folding them made them look like they were flying. I thought...why not use aluminium cans. I watched people throw their cans away and started gathering them and washing them out. At home I have a large trash can (outside) lined that I toss them in every morning. When the can gets full I take them to be recycled.  So I cut up a can, used a marker to make dots and tah dah...done...kinda on the crafty side but C'est la vie.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Day IV of the 365 art a day thing

The spark...take a 5 minute walk, make something and leave it. Take a walk for 5 minutes...are you kidding me? Who has 5 minutes..okay...I do not have 5 minutes. But I did make something and I did leave it outside...Now in the 2nd photo you will see a poor little Hummingbird...It is way dead. Probably some big bird got a hold of it...or old age...poor little thing. The peanuts are from Wild Birds...It was fun and my boss totally did not get it.....score!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Day 3 of the 365 days of art

Day 3 The spark is to make something with no scissors and/or glue.
When they run newspapers through the press they have to run ink first to calibrate the colors. This usually means that there is some very nice and colorful paper...see photo above. This paper goes to a recycling company in the city. But alas, I grabbed some and used it for this project. I made a twisty rose. very easy and fast!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Day Two..of 365 days

This is my original photo
Day Two...the spark is use your favorite animal as your inspiration. Birds would have been my pick...that was too easy... so I picked fish.
Here is what I did...I took a photo of a guy who also works at the paper.( His name is Jon.) My hand was actually part of the photo...He was 10 feet away from me. Holding my hand up to his head I took the photo...so it looks like in the photo that I have a hold of his head. Using Photoshop I cropped out all the back ground and left my hand and his head. I added the cloud background and the fish bowl....Done.

I bought a new book

As many of you know I have two part time jobs...besides everything else I do. I have little time to work on art. But that has all changed. I still have my two part time jobs but I have added a new book as an inspirational tool. It is called 365: a daily creativity journal: make something every day and change your life.
So I started yesterday. Above is yesterdays piece. I picked a theme for the 365 pieces that I will be creating over the next 365 days. That theme is....wait for it....my two jobs. I work in the mail room at the local paper and I am a certified bird feeding specialist at Wild Birds Unlimited here in Norman.(Oklahoma) Each day the book gives you a little spark...yesterdays spark was make something to fit in the palm of your hand. This piece is not really done...I need to add age...with ink.
Here is what I did: I started with a piece of brass wire and formed into a heart. I found the ads that I had seen in the newspapers when applying for both jobs and added them. Grabbed a red drop that I got out of the trash at the bird place ( it is chipped...and is "trash") and stuck some mail stickers (that I use everyday in the mail room) on it. Tah dah done.

Monday, October 3, 2011

It's been a long, long time!

Well.....I see time has once again past me by....Stampaway was amazing....the trip to Ohio....amazing.....Chicago....well....you know......amazing. In the past several days I have been getting excited about the up coming Stampaway 2012....and I am already working on some new ideas and new images...I will have more info soon....and it is so good to be back in the world of blogs!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Parking area-Stampaway 2011!

Sooooooo....we just got back from a week in CO. Oh, it was soooo hard to leave the 70 degrees temps for this drought land I call home. It is 10am and already 90+ degrees. Holy Moly! Well, in one week we will be leaving for Cincinnati .... Stampaway 2011! It is an awesome show and the classes are great. Tressa is all but packed...I, on the other hand,....not so much...So this morning and (I am sure) all week will be packing, gathering, pressing rubber, assembling stamps and cutting paper like a mad girl to be ready for our classes. Oh the fun! I love Stampaway! Our classes are full and I am looking forward to the week of creative minds coming together! I will have an update on Wed. about how it is going....until then....Create something.......

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Barn Swallows

Here is a photo of some Barn Swallows. They made a nest on a friends porch. Although this has nothing to do with art or rubber stamps it is a great photo.
Happy July! The count down has started for Stampaway 2011! It is (as always) going to be off the hook! Tressa's and the class I am teaching are full! Yes! Way cool! We both love teaching and can not wait to get there! We are starting to pack class items.....you can never start to soon.
I should have some new samples up soon........

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Happy June....can you believe it is summer?

Well it is June....Summer time! It seems like the snow and ice was just here. It is already in the upper 90's...yes it is HOT! (And it is not a dry heat, like that makes a differences in a convection oven.) Summer is such a great time of the year. Everything always seems more casual and restful...a time to renew. What will you do to relax and renew?

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Just a quick up date

We have been so swamped with orders and requests our heads are spinning!

We need an extra 6 hours in the day to get done what needs to get done. All that said...The Orioles are in town! We are seeing both the Baltimore and Orchard Orioles! These are amazing birds! They are eating pounds and pounds of grape jelly! My mother has had a flock of about 25 or so at her house! Like I said it is amazing and exciting! I should be posting again soon so be looking for that!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Button hole book- Stampaway 2011

Here is the sample of the class that Tressa will be teaching at Stampaway 2011. The class is on Friday Aug. 12th, from 4 to 6 pm. It is a very attractive book and
even though it appears complicated, it is rather easy to make. You can find out more details at www.stampawayusa.com.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Hummingbirds are coming!

Every spring I look forward to the arrival of them. They are amazing little birds. There is a neat website...

This site tracks the migration of the hummingbirds. People can add their sightings to the map. There is also maps from past years. It is truly exciting. I have already put out a couple feeders for them. The Orioles also arrive around the same time as the hummers. Sooooo I have also put out an oriole feeder. The Starlings have found the grape jelly. Last season it was the Mockingbirds that found the jelly. Of course any of the fruit eaters would love it. So there they sit, the feeders, waiting in the open sunlight, visible to all the tropical vacationers on their way back for the Spring and Summer months.

So if you happen to see the hummingbirds or even the orioles, email me! I'll just wait here by the kitchen window....watching....and waiting.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Stampaway 2011 class samples!

These are samples of the cards in my class.
So we found out that both Tressa and myself will be teaching at Stampaway 2011 in August. The dates are; Friday August 12th (preview party), and Saturday the 13th. They will be sending out brochures in early April. If you send a SASE (.75 cents) to Stampaway Convention, 9685 Kenwood Road, Cincinnati, OH 45242 they can get one to you. We are very excited about this convention. It is, hands down, one of the best convention in the country. Work has already begun getting ready for this most awesome show. We will post a photo of Tressa's class soon.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Great new sample!

This sample was made by Linda Clancy of Edmond, OK. She had sent it to her friend (and our new friend) Eileen Hemann of St. Louis, MO. Eileen ordered some stamps from us and shared this awesome sample with us. How clear is this story? The stamp that is ours is the lady....from a stamp duo called Regal ladies duo... WI 79 H. I love this stamp and have used it many times. So props to Linda and Eileen! Thanks ladies!

Hummingbirds watch 2011

I am looking forward to the Hummingbirds coming back to Oklahoma! They are at least a month away from arriving. Last year we did not have as many as in years past. The two photos above are of a Ruby-throated hummingbirds. He has his tongue out...Oh March, come on...I am also excited about the Baltimore Orioles. They arrive even before the hummers. Yippy! I will of course keep you posted.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Presidents Day 2011

It is February....heck...you could even say that it is drawing to a close. This year is marching by. I have taken the time to look over the long list of goals and other 'to do' items that I created at the years end/new year. I must say...holy smokes I have got to get busy! The classes for Stampaway, that my mother and I submitted, were accepted! YES! We love Stampaway! We will be posting photos of the class projects soon.
Happy President's day!
For more information on Stampaway follow this link....

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Everyones gets thirsty....

This poor little squirrel, after eating (a lot of) suet and the bird seed got awful thirsty. So being clever and problems solver, ate some snow. He is really cute. There have not been tons of squirrels....now Red-Winged Blackbirds and Starlings.... they are here in numbers....and I mean big o' numbers. I've also seen Cowbirds....both males and females. (ugh!)

Winter wonderland!

We, here in Oklahoma, finally received some seasonally appropriate weather. Two weeks ago I was wearing my sandals. So needless to say this past week I was wearing my thick socks and leather short boots. The bird were out in record numbers. Above there is a Cardinal, Downy Woodpecker, Carolina Wren, and the last picture is of two Starlings. I love the colors of the Starlings. The birds have been eating, eating, eating! The snow has began to melt. We should have one more day of warmer weather (45 degrees). On Tuesday and Wednesday the weathermen are talking more snow. (I kinda hope we get more snow this week!)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

What new...

Oh, the excitement is in the air! We, here at DP Artworks, are busy creating new images for the new year. We will be having new categories, attitudes and mounting options. Hmmmm...are you intrigued? Both Tressa and myself have submitted classes for Stampaway 2011. I can't wait to hear if we will be teaching this year. We will have a booth...Yippy! As we find out more we will keep you all informed......

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Happy reNew Year!

Oh, a new year and new goals....New classes, new images, new friends or is it renew? That actually sounds good to me. Well then, Happy Renew Year!