Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Day 12 of 365 days of art and Stampaway 2012

The spark was to take a dollar bill and make something. So....I made a boat and it is on the water....clever.....ohhhh yes! Hey, it was 11:30 at night and I was looking at another 5 hours before I got to go home...so clever it is.
In other news....I have been working on my new catalog. I am combining all the supplements with main catalog and even adding new images. These images will premiere in Cincinnati, Ohio at Stampaway 2012. I am so excited. I am re-working the look of the catalog and our booth. I plan to post more stamping samples....when I get a wee bit more time....don't hold your breath...for long...it could happen...in the near future.


Anonymous said...

good. i like your stuff and need a new catalog to see what i have and what i need. can't wait to see you in Cincy.

Anonymous said...

Nice hat!