Friday, January 18, 2013

I'm writing a book....or two.

So I am writing a book....actually two books. One is a non-fiction the other...well....fiction.

I can tell you about the non-fiction book; it is a birds of Oklahoma, type book. Photos, info, tips and stories will be my focus. I decided on this because I have...well, as you can imagine a ton of photos of birds seen here in Oklahoma...exciting!

The other book is a work of fiction. I am at the research stage right now...I kind of feel like I am in school again. Back in November we took a trip here in Oklahoma, the place has haunted my thoughts every since...I must write it.

If not now....when?

So….That is what I am working on…..besides a new catalog, getting organized and so on.


Anonymous said...

Wow you are so brave! Go for it!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

When do you think you will have them done?

Anonymous said...

I want to read them!!!